
Friday, August 3, 2018

Morepork writting

Do you know what a Morepork is? Well it is the best bird in the whole entire world and I'm going to tell you why. I will be explaining their abilities predators and their habitat, I hope you enjoy.

Firstly, the Morepork is the only native New Zealand owl.

It is the quietest flyer in the world so you will never hear it coming, Mr possum. The Morepork live in the bush, it doesn't have to be deep bush it could be like 4 meters of bush. It all

depends on the predators and safety of that particular area.

Secondly, Morepork may be the best birds but they have a big threat… Predators. Stoats, possums and ferrets have endangered most of our native birds and if we don't do something they will make the Morepork extinct. So we need to start making more enclosures with high fences. We can also set more traps out for possums and other predators.

Lastly, do you even care about the Morepork? If you do you will actually do something about this if you don't want the Morepork endangered. Otherwise it will just be another reason to put your dogs and cats down and I know you don't want that. If a animal (dog or cat) is court killing a native bird they will be immediately put down.

W.A.L.T Write a convincing writing. 

1 comment:

  1. good job Isaac i agree we should do some thing about the Moreporks predators you convinced me to care about Moreporks and also good vocab
    by Ethan
