
Wednesday, August 29, 2018


WALT write a speach


uction - I think everyone should trust me with the world because I know about these problems and are fully aware of them here are these problems.

One reason why you should trust me with our future is because I believe captivate animals should be disallowed. Animals are being caged, looked at and their memories in the wild are pretty much being burnt out of them. This really needs to stop it is getting out of hand. Imagine you sitting there on your couch playing PS4 and all of a sudden some apes come in and take you away, well that's how they feel. Animals like gorillas and elephants are being kept captive in cages nearly since birth. They are being watched. There is even a book about it it is a true story about a gorilla named Ivan being kept captive in a cage in a mall. People looking at him until he's big and then treating him like he's a piece of nothing. I am feeling angry sad and stressed that no one is doing anything about it and everyday animals are getting taken. Now you know so you can do something about it.

Another reason you should trust me with our future is because I know the trouble plastic is causing, you probably don't even think about it. Prepare to be disgusted. There are five plastic vortex in our ocean, when you litter, your rubbish will eventually end up in there. Plastic goes to the ocean and gets slowly sucked into one of the vortexes. There is one hughmangas one in the middle of the ocean which pretty much consumes all the rubbish. It is put in a big cycle for all of eternity which is forever and ever

We as humans need to change or when we go fishing we will only be catching plastic and dead fish. Do we want our kids or grandkids ending up in a world where the beach is disgusting and maybe even toxic to human life. I am feeling disgusted at the older generation for giving me this disgusting horrible dreadful world. It is like the world is our house and they threw the biggest party and left the clean up to us.

My last, and very serious reason why you should trust me with our future is all about Global warming! It has become a very big problem in our world. The past 4 years have been the hottest years of all time and not just because of me… but because of global warming.

There are four gases carbon dioxide methane water vapor and ozone and right now the four gases are not balanced which is causing a lot of trouble in the world it is causing global warming. The four gases balance the temperature the light and pretty much everything that the sun gives us but since the gases aren't balanced we are going to have rednecks and purple toes. So as you can see am feeling kind of nervous and scared for our future world and for our younger generations because if we do not start doing something our younger sike there will be no younger generations

Those are my reasons you should trust me with our world and hopefully this was a wake up call and the people of this world will change.


Friday, August 10, 2018

Ice Skating Poster

WALT promote our ice skating rink fundraiser.

WALT promote our ice skating rink fundraiser.

This week me and my class made posters about ice skating fundraiser.  We used a app called canva to make it, canva is a app when you can make a lot of designs for posters,cards,magazines and more. I made this poster because  we have to convince people to come to our fundraiser. I think i could of done better if I used a better font and made it pop more. see you next time.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Morepork screeen castify

WALT do a screen casting on a native bird

Morepork drawing

W.A.L.T not take images off the internet and draw our own

Morepork writting

Do you know what a Morepork is? Well it is the best bird in the whole entire world and I'm going to tell you why. I will be explaining their abilities predators and their habitat, I hope you enjoy.

Firstly, the Morepork is the only native New Zealand owl.

It is the quietest flyer in the world so you will never hear it coming, Mr possum. The Morepork live in the bush, it doesn't have to be deep bush it could be like 4 meters of bush. It all

depends on the predators and safety of that particular area.

Secondly, Morepork may be the best birds but they have a big threat… Predators. Stoats, possums and ferrets have endangered most of our native birds and if we don't do something they will make the Morepork extinct. So we need to start making more enclosures with high fences. We can also set more traps out for possums and other predators.

Lastly, do you even care about the Morepork? If you do you will actually do something about this if you don't want the Morepork endangered. Otherwise it will just be another reason to put your dogs and cats down and I know you don't want that. If a animal (dog or cat) is court killing a native bird they will be immediately put down.

W.A.L.T Write a convincing writing.