
Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Brain

WALT Think critically about a range of texts by summarizing and evaluating new information.

Reflection: this term we have been learning about the brain and stuff that connects to the brain. This slide above is what I have done this term and what I have learnt.

I have enjoyed learning about the brain because it has increased my knowledge on parts of my body. in the brain slide we learnt about sleep I loved learning about sleep because now I know how to sleep better how to prevent bad dreams and how sleep works. We also worked on the solar system we made a 3D model on sculpt gl  I found it very challenging but I did it in the end.We also did a Hypothesis about the moon and how it effects our brain it was fun.Lastly we learnt about Zodiac signs, this was my favorite because I feel like I can connect with my zodiac sign.

As much as I like it I didn't do all of it I didn't want to do it so I didn't do it. that is where I went wrong next time I will do all of it and finish it.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


WALT Square whole numbers