
Friday, May 31, 2019


WALT  make connections between human skeletal system and our science  

REFLECTION: first we got a normal egg and dropped it and they all broke like a normal egg would. then we mixed viniger and water in a jar and let it sit for four days.

then we took it out of a jar and rinsed it out we all went up to the court but most of them broke on the way. the rest all broke when we dropped them

it turns out we should of did it a day earlier so it bounced. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Team Building

WALT show school vales in team building.
REFLECTION: Today I showed respect in team building by respecting others ideas by listening and giving positive feedback about their learning.

I also showed kindness by giving ideas and helping where I could.

Next time I should focus on responsibility by joining in more. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

WALT find the perimeter of abnormal shapes

Reflection: Making this was easy because its a very simple task

I think I could of put more text that is where I failed

Monday, May 13, 2019


W.A.L.T share what respect looks like at Kaingaroa school
Respect is a big part in our life. for me respect looks like treating everyone equal,helping people and listening to the person that is speaking. if you are not showing Kia tika/ respect people are most likely not going to show it back.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Digestive system

WALT Think critically about texts and respond accordingly.

Reflection :My learning has been a wonderful journey this year I have gone from doing bad on test to getting 48/50 in some.

This term we have been reading text and summarising, then writing a narrative on what we would do if we were in there shoes

I really need to work on my spelling a vocabulary to make my stories more interesting. I think If I do that my writing would be very good and fun to read.
I am proud of my work because I used to do more of a play then a story because I used to do a lot of dialog and it was frustrating to read but now it is a story.

Friday, May 3, 2019

The Skeletal System

WALT: think critically about texts and respond accordingly

REFLECTION: I found it really interesting learning about the skeleton. I found it fun to right the narrative about braking my leg