
Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


WALT make a poster about triangels.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Novel Study

maze runner summary

WALT introduce the novel we've chosen and our literacy for the term

this term I chose to read the maze runner. the author is James Dasher. I know that the main character is Thomas and he has lost his memory he got sent up to a maze in a box. my goal is to finish. the bok b4 the end of the term

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

How to Stop Climate Change

WALT summarize the text that we read

Monday, September 16, 2019

climate change

WALT summarize the text

Monday, September 2, 2019


WALT explain what a Variable is.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

camera shots

Walt find the different angels to film making '

Reflection miss Fleet told us to get in a group of 2, I chose Isaac then we had to take different angels like worm-eye view,close up,medium close up.most of our photos was taking inside.It was funny because as I was climbing the park I almost fell of.I took most photos of Isaac.Then we had to go on google drive and write the purpose of all the angels names.

Monday, August 19, 2019


WALT create a short film

On Friday my class and I got split 
up into groups and made shot films. we all made the about the land in Mangere and all the drama unfolding from this. my group and I made our video like a news report we interviewed people and filmed people get arrested. I think we did good with the film by using cast as difrent charterers. but we need to work on taking in seriously.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Land in Mangere

WALT summarize the text

Monday, July 29, 2019

film making

On Friday my class split up into different groups and made films. The rules were only one minute long film and the film has to have a storyline. My group made a film called Ihaka origin’s its based off a Instagram account called Ihaka get’s hurt it is just a place where I post videos of me getting hurt. We took about 10 minutes to come up with the idea but once we got it we were really excited to start. Once we did all the filming we had a lot of different ideas on how to edit it we were thinking we could do it like a movie or a movie trailer in the end we did a trailer because it was the most effective one to do.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Brain

WALT Think critically about a range of texts by summarizing and evaluating new information.

Reflection: this term we have been learning about the brain and stuff that connects to the brain. This slide above is what I have done this term and what I have learnt.

I have enjoyed learning about the brain because it has increased my knowledge on parts of my body. in the brain slide we learnt about sleep I loved learning about sleep because now I know how to sleep better how to prevent bad dreams and how sleep works. We also worked on the solar system we made a 3D model on sculpt gl  I found it very challenging but I did it in the end.We also did a Hypothesis about the moon and how it effects our brain it was fun.Lastly we learnt about Zodiac signs, this was my favorite because I feel like I can connect with my zodiac sign.

As much as I like it I didn't do all of it I didn't want to do it so I didn't do it. that is where I went wrong next time I will do all of it and finish it.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


WALT Square whole numbers

Friday, May 31, 2019


WALT  make connections between human skeletal system and our science  

REFLECTION: first we got a normal egg and dropped it and they all broke like a normal egg would. then we mixed viniger and water in a jar and let it sit for four days.

then we took it out of a jar and rinsed it out we all went up to the court but most of them broke on the way. the rest all broke when we dropped them

it turns out we should of did it a day earlier so it bounced. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Team Building

WALT show school vales in team building.
REFLECTION: Today I showed respect in team building by respecting others ideas by listening and giving positive feedback about their learning.

I also showed kindness by giving ideas and helping where I could.

Next time I should focus on responsibility by joining in more. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

WALT find the perimeter of abnormal shapes

Reflection: Making this was easy because its a very simple task

I think I could of put more text that is where I failed

Monday, May 13, 2019


W.A.L.T share what respect looks like at Kaingaroa school
Respect is a big part in our life. for me respect looks like treating everyone equal,helping people and listening to the person that is speaking. if you are not showing Kia tika/ respect people are most likely not going to show it back.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Digestive system

WALT Think critically about texts and respond accordingly.

Reflection :My learning has been a wonderful journey this year I have gone from doing bad on test to getting 48/50 in some.

This term we have been reading text and summarising, then writing a narrative on what we would do if we were in there shoes

I really need to work on my spelling a vocabulary to make my stories more interesting. I think If I do that my writing would be very good and fun to read.
I am proud of my work because I used to do more of a play then a story because I used to do a lot of dialog and it was frustrating to read but now it is a story.

Friday, May 3, 2019

The Skeletal System

WALT: think critically about texts and respond accordingly

REFLECTION: I found it really interesting learning about the skeleton. I found it fun to right the narrative about braking my leg

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


WALT write recount about our trip
On Friday the 29th March Huia Whanau went on a trip to Waitangi.
While we were at Waitangi, we met a calver named richard.
He told a really cool and funny story about Tangaroa and his
potu. When we were on our walk, we visited the Marae and saw
really cool calvings.
Me and seth were trying to make stories out of the calvings
and we got really creative with them.

I found this easy because i have been writing
recounts since I was 5

My Whakapapa

WALT write our whakapapa.
Ko Kahuranaki tŌku Maunga
My mountain is Kahuranaki
Ngaruroro tŌku awa
My river is ngaruroro
Ko Takitimu tŌku waka
My waka is takitimu
Ko ngati kahungunu tŌku iwi
My tribe is ngati kahungunu
Ko mangaroa tŌku marae

My marae is Mangaroa

i found this fun because I can
share with my friends we my family comes from